From the course: Jenkins Essential Training

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Solution: Deploy a Jenkins server

Solution: Deploy a Jenkins server - Jenkins Tutorial

From the course: Jenkins Essential Training

Solution: Deploy a Jenkins server

- In this challenge, we need to deploy a Jenkins server. I'm using AWS. You may be using a different cloud provider, which is fine, as long as we get to the same result of having a Jenkins server that can be accessed using a public URL. I'll jump right into the server creation process by clicking launch instances. First, I need to pick the operating system that I want to use for this server, and I'm going to pick Ubuntu so I'll search for that. And I'll select this first one that pops up, Ubuntu server 20.04 LTS. For the instance type, I'm going to keep the default selection of T2 micro because it'll give us enough CPU and RAM to get through the course while also staying within the free tier. So I'll click next, configure instance details. I'm going to leave all of this as the default and I will click next, add storage. On the storage screen, I'm going to increase the root volume size from 8 to 30 just to give us…
