From the course: Jenkins Essential Training

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Publish test results and code coverage reports

Publish test results and code coverage reports - Jenkins Tutorial

From the course: Jenkins Essential Training

Publish test results and code coverage reports

- [Instructor] Testing is one of the most important parts of the continuous integration pipeline. During the test phase, development teams can find bugs in their code and fix them well before they reach a production environment. There are hundreds of tools that developers can use to test their code, but fortunately, many of these tools share common formats for generating reports. JUnit reports are XML documents that describe the results of a test. The JUnit format was originally developed for Java programs but many other languages have adopted this reporting format. This makes JUnit the standard for creating test reports. The JUnit plugin gives Jenkins capabilities to collect test reports, publish reports as graphs and track trends in test results. To determine the effectiveness of a test, developers often use a technique called code coverage. Code coverage tracks the lines of code that are accessed during a test. If more…
