From the course: Jenkins Essential Training

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Challenge: Configure users and permissions

Challenge: Configure users and permissions - Jenkins Tutorial

From the course: Jenkins Essential Training

Challenge: Configure users and permissions

(upbeat instrumental music) - [Instructor] It's time for a challenge. You manage a Jenkins server that's being used by two development teams. One team develops engineering applications, and the other team develops finance applications. The finance team is developing a new application that will process sensitive information. They've asked you to demonstrate how they can secure their pipeline jobs by limiting access to one specific user. To solve this challenge, complete the following steps. Create two users, one named engineering and another named finance. Change the security setting on your Jenkins server to use a project-based authorization strategy. Then assign the overall read permission to both users. Next, demonstrate limited access by creating two folders, one named engineering jobs, and another named finance jobs. Assign admin permissions to both users in the folder that corresponds to the user name.…
