From the course: Jenkins Essential Training

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Artifacts and fingerprinting

Artifacts and fingerprinting - Jenkins Tutorial

From the course: Jenkins Essential Training

Artifacts and fingerprinting

- [Narrator] When a Jenkins job creates an object that needs to be saved, we refer to that object as an artifact. Artifacts can be compiled binaries like Docker images or ZIP files. Or an artifact might be a text file like a report or some sort of document. Jenkins provides several ways to manage artifacts. The core function archiveArtifacts, gives us a built step for identifying the files we want to save during or after a build. archiveArtifacts is often placed in the post section of a pipeline. The post block runs after all sections of a pipeline, so any steps inside the block are run after other operations have finished. If we're developing a job that needs to access an artifact created in another job, we can use build steps provided by the Copy Artifact plugin. This plugin provides a build step for pulling artifacts from one job into another. When we use the Copy Artifact's build step, security comes into play.…
