From the course: Jenkins Essential Training

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Add an SSH agent to Jenkins

Add an SSH agent to Jenkins - Jenkins Tutorial

From the course: Jenkins Essential Training

Add an SSH agent to Jenkins

- [Instructor] In this lesson, I'll be demonstrating how to connect to a node using SSH. If you're following along, you'll need to have a server that can be reached from your Jenkins server via SSH, along with a user and SSH key for opening the SSH connection. I'll be using an EC2 instance running in AWS. For complete details on setting up a build server in AWS, please review my course, Running Jenkins on AWS. I'm starting here on the Manage Jenkins screen. From here I'll select Manage Nodes and Clouds. And on this screen, I'll select New Node. I'll name the node Linux to match the key name and then select a Permanent Agent, which is really the only option at the moment. Selecting Create opens a dialogue where I can enter all the details that Jenkins needs to connect to this node. For the Remote root directory I'll enter /home/ec2-user. Jenkins will use this directory to create workspaces when jobs are run on this node.…
