From the course: IT Help Desk for Beginners

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When to suspect malware

When to suspect malware - Windows Tutorial

From the course: IT Help Desk for Beginners

When to suspect malware

- [Instructor] I've had to deal with hundreds of malware issues with new clients over the years. I've even had a couple of viruses named after my company since we were the first to detect them. When users call you to say their computer's acting strange, this should be the top thought you have when speaking to those users. If you do suspect malware, have the computer unplugged from the network immediately and send a technician. Here's a list from the Federal Trade Commission of ways you can assume malware has gotten onto a computer, and you can use this list as a questionnaire for the computer user to help determine if they might have some sort of malware. If you can remote into their computer, then you can go ahead and do that and just take a look and see if any of these particular issues pop up. But if you're sure there's malware, of course, you'll want to disconnect it from the network and possibly even shut it down, so…
