From the course: IT Help Desk for Beginners

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What is critical thinking and how can it help?

What is critical thinking and how can it help? - Windows Tutorial

From the course: IT Help Desk for Beginners

What is critical thinking and how can it help?

- [Instructor] Critical thinking is crucial to understanding how to solve problems and the better you are at it, the more successful career you'll have. Let's look at a definition of critical thinking. According to Critical Thinking author, Edward Glaser, this is the definition of critical thinking. If you go to hammer and nail, as you have many times before, and the nail keeps bending and you keep hitting that nail anyway failing time after time, then you're not thinking critically until you start thinking what's different about these nails and why do they keep failing? What about the material I'm hammering into? Could it be harder than other materials I've used? What about the hammer? Is it too large and powerful for these small nails? Maybe I need a different hammer altogether. This is how you think critically about a problem. Look around and when you go to solve a problem, think about other ways that you could solve…
