From the course: IT Help Desk for Beginners

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The troubleshooting methodology

The troubleshooting methodology - Windows Tutorial

From the course: IT Help Desk for Beginners

The troubleshooting methodology

- [Narrator] Sometimes it helps if we look at problems such as help desk incidents in a slightly different way. Cisco came up with a troubleshooting methodology. It was developed by an engineer at Cisco Systems to help anyone who receives a call for help on the steps needed to solve that problem. First, we have to identify the problem. A call comes into the help desk and presents you with a problem. Let's say that a user is having a problem with their software. It worked yesterday, but it's not working today. As the help desk agent, you need to find out how many people this affects so you can go triage the problem properly. The user says it affects everyone using the software in their department. Now that we know it's not company-wide, it's also not isolated to a single user either, so you can safely say this might be a medium level issue. You need to start asking questions to find out if escalation is necessary. You…
