From the course: IT Help Desk for Beginners

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Technical skills for user support

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From the course: IT Help Desk for Beginners

Technical skills for user support

- [Host] I'd like to look at some practical skills, certifications I recommend as well as job descriptions and salary that you can expect as a Help Desk in an IT organization. Starting with the skills needed, you'll want to have problem-solving skills. These skills that basically you use to solve problems on a daily basis. You'll need to have good skills being able to go search online for specific issues, error codes and things like that. You'll want to have analytical skills. Analytical skills are problem-solving skills that help you sort data and research to come up with a resolution. Looking at things analytically is a way of looking at problems without emotion, you're just looking for a scientific resolution. You'll want to have some customer service experience. Now, this may not be in an IT setting. You may have some customer service experience working in retail or possibly in food services. Anytime where you…
