From the course: IT Help Desk for Beginners

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Remote control tools

Remote control tools

- [Instructor] I'm in Active Directory Users and Computers where we can manage users, computers, groups, and other objects. If the user of LI-client1 calls in and says I'm having a problem with my computer, you can remote into their computer and you can manage their computer and those are two different things. So if I right click on the computer inside Active Directory Users and Computers, then I can gain access to a lot of different things without having to remote directly into their computer. I can show computer management, which is a utility you can open up directly on the user's computer, or you can just open it up remotely as I have here. So I can go into Event Viewer and look at any events that may be happening. I can go into Task Scheduler, I could go into Shared Folders, Performance all different types of things that I don't need to remote into that computer to do. However, in some cases, I'm going to need to…
