From the course: IT Help Desk for Beginners

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Networking basics

Networking basics

- [Narrator] At the help desk, you'll likely get two kinds of calls for networking problems. The first will be corporate network issues, which will likely need to be escalated if it affects a large group of people. The second will be home users. Home users are going to be more difficult to troubleshoot. You're not physically there and it's most likely going to be a Wi-Fi problem, as few home users are going to be wired. You won't be able to connect to them those cases. You'll have to walk them through troubleshooting it themselves and this can be very difficult. And of course if that fails, you'll have to dispatch a technician to go on site. Let's look at a decision tree on how we handle a call that comes in for network problems. The network problem call comes in. You use IP tools to fix the problem. Did that fix the problem? If the answer is yes, you can close the ticket, no, well you're going to escalate this to…
