From the course: IT Help Desk for Beginners

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How to speak to non-technical users

How to speak to non-technical users - Windows Tutorial

From the course: IT Help Desk for Beginners

How to speak to non-technical users

- [Narrator] Speaking to non-technical users can be an art form in itself. Let's take a look at what we can do to speak to non-technical users so we end up not confusing them. According to Lucidchart, here are some great ideas on how to speak to computer users who call the help desk, but may not be that computer savvy. Whenever you need to talk about technical information, try to make your audience feel more comfortable, break the ice, acknowledge the fact that you are a computer nerd and they're not, and to let you know if you're getting too technical. Showing others your willingness to explain things with a sense of humility can be very effective when communicating with non-technical users. Pay attention to your caller and reply back what they say to you. You'll understand how to better assist your callers because you'll understand the frustration that they're going through and the problems of which they're calling. I like…
