From the course: IT Help Desk for Beginners

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How to create successful user training

How to create successful user training - Windows Tutorial

From the course: IT Help Desk for Beginners

How to create successful user training

- [Instructor] Even though your main job may be answering calls and solving problems at the help desk, you should always be looking for opportunities to train staff to keep calls at a minimum. As a help desk agent many years ago, I set up live and recorded training for users with the most common problems, and that dropped calls to our help desk for the simplest problems to solve by over 25%. Here's some ways that you can get users into your training. You can do live sessions, such as by booking a conference room, send out emails, verbal or announcements. I like to go around to people's desks and just remind them to sign up for the conference room that I had set up for some live training. If you can't get enough people to sign in, then talk to the department heads because the department heads will then encourage or even require their staff, especially ones that struggle with technology. I've also brought in a lot of…
