From the course: IT Help Desk for Beginners

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Hardware problems

Hardware problems

- [Instructor] Hardware problems can be caused by hardware or software disguised as a hardware issue. Here's some common tools you can use to resolve many issues that users will call about. I'm in a Windows 11 computer and I'm going to right click on the Start button and I'm going to choose Task Manager. This is one of the first places I go on a user's computer or even my own computer when they call to complain that there's slowness on their computer. So if we take a look at the processes at the top, you can see the CPU, Memory, Disc, and Network usage. If any of these are pegged at 100%, then what you want to do is you want to click on that particular column. So I'll click on Memory, for instance, and it will show me what service is using most of my resources for that particular object such as memory, which is RAM. And if I'd like, I can right click on that and choose to end the task and see if that resolves the issue.…
