From the course: IT Help Desk for Beginners

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Escalating a ticket

Escalating a ticket

- [Instructor] I'm in my help desk ticketing database, and I see a ticket that's open where it says computer running slow. So I'm going to select that particular ticket. And when I contact the user, it turns out, after doing a remote session, that the problem is is that the user has a virus, so I'm going to need to escalate this particular ticket up to a higher level. So I'm going to type in a public response that the computer has been determined to have a virus. Now, it's possible that I might have figured this out because I remoted in, went to the task manager and found some tasks that were running that were known to be viruses and the antivirus just didn't pick it up. So here you see that the status of the ticket, of course, is open and you can see the priority. I'm going to change that to high and I'm going to choose the due date as being done right away because of the fact that it is very high priority. I can go to…
