From the course: Introduction to Web Design and Development

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Writing HTML

Writing HTML

- Over the next few videos, we're going to build a little piece of a webpage. It will look like this. There's a yellow button on this page, when you roll your mouse over it, it changes to green. When you click it, a text box will appear. When you click the button again, the blue box disappears. Anytime you start writing code for the web, that always starts with HTML. Let's look at our demo page and decide what we need. First, we need a button. Because this button is clickable through JavaScript, we'll use the button element to set this up. Second, we'll need some kind of box to contain our text. Then side of that box, we'll have a heading and some paragraphs of text. By identifying the function of the content, before we start coding, we also identify its structure. With that in mind, let's start coding. To get started here in CodePen, we're going to go to the left column and look for pen. And you'll see here that we have the option of writing a couple of kinds of pens, we want just…
