From the course: Introduction to Web Design and Development

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Understanding CSS

Understanding CSS

- CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. If it looks pretty or if it arranges elements on a webpage, CSS is probably behind it in some way. Stylesheets, as a concept, have existed in print and software for a long time. Microsoft Word, for example, styles your documents in a certain way with certain fonts, margins and colors. The same is true with CSS. Here, you'll declare that you want your document to use specific fonts, colors, spacing and layouts and the webpage should act accordingly. HTML therefore simply outlines the structure of the webpage. CSS gives it the overall look. So where does that look of unstyled HTML come from? Those giant Times New Roman headers, the blue underlying links, these come from a stylesheet as well, one that's with your web browser. HTML itself has no look. This is a super important concept to understand. One that's commonly forgotten or confused by many professional web developers. CSS is often contained in its own separate document, which is linked to…
