From the course: Introduction to Web Design and Development

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Selling things online: Shopping cart solutions

Selling things online: Shopping cart solutions

From the course: Introduction to Web Design and Development

Selling things online: Shopping cart solutions

- If your website is selling something, you'll probably need to deal with a shopping cart somewhere along the way. There's a ridiculous number of options. Shopping carts are integrated with some site builders like Squarespace or Wix. You can send people to Amazon or Etsy to buy your products using their shopping cart. You can use a plugin with your CMS to set up a shopping cart. However, if shopping is the focus of your website, you'll likely want to use dedicated shopping cart software. While products might not be the only items on the website, they make up the majority of the site's content. You may also have a need for inventory or shipping assistance. The big players in this space for small businesses who want an easy, no-code interface are Shopify and BigCommerce. Both of these carts offer no-code solutions to selling online. You'll pay a monthly fee to access lots of reports and integrations with this type of software. Most carts like this will offer several different payment…
