From the course: Introduction to Web Design and Development

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Prototyping tools

Prototyping tools

- Prototyping is the process of creating a model of a future product. A prototype needs to be created quickly and changed easily because it's likely that several versions of a prototype will be required before the right version is created. With each prototype, a round of user testing is typically performed, analyzed, and measured, and changes are made. To keep costs low and possible interfaces high, prototyping software is often used. With prototyping software, no coding is required. As you might imagine, coding is a complex and time-involved process. It's not easy to make changes, and it takes time to develop a quality product. Eliminating the coding process is critical to moving quickly and making changes. Prototyping software typically features a drag and drop interface, often with several preconfigured interface options like buttons, search boxes, form elements, navigation bars, and more. You can import graphics like logos and photos. Often, you can add links between prototype…
