From the course: Introduction to Web Design and Development

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Keeping files organized with GitHub

Keeping files organized with GitHub

- GitHub is a technology that's used throughout web development. Unfortunately, there are few explanations that describe what its purpose is. Let's talk about Git, GitHub, and why these tools are so important in today's development environments. If you've ever created a Microsoft Word document, your probably familiar with versioning. Document final, document final-final, document-the real final, and so forth until you think you've done what more changes are made. Maybe you've started to attach version numbers to the document as a result. You keep the earlier versions of your document just in case you need to go back to them. Or in case someone decides that they like the earlier version better. This is what Git was designed to do. Git is a software program that runs on the command line on your computer. Git will do all of the things I just described. Like keeping versions of your code. Enabling rollbacks to earlier versions of the code. Tracking the changes made and so forth. Git is…
