From the course: Introduction to Web Design and Development

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Dashboards and databases

Dashboards and databases

- To this point, we've looked at several types of tools for designing web interfaces, or the front end of the website. There's another world on the back end of the website, or the administrative side of the website. There's the programming, which often involves a database, and there are all kinds of dashboards for creating content, changing settings, and adding and removing functionality. The no code world has several tools that address this world as well. Let's start with the one you already know, the humble spreadsheet. Arguably it's an early no code tool where users program formulas to execute calculations and configure graphs of information. Google Sheets are actively used in some applications today, notably with products like Glide and Adalo. The online spreadsheet acts as a database for storing information, with Glide and Adalo serving as an interface. When two spreadsheets talk to each other, we're approaching a database. Airtable is one of the best-known online databases…
