From the course: Introduction to Web Design and Development

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Choosing a web host

Choosing a web host

- Websites are only visible to the general public if their web server is also accessible to the public. when web server software runs on web server hardware, and that system is maintained by a company who will sell you some space on it, that's referred to as a web host or hosting. While you can host your own own website on your own computer, you really shouldn't. Your internet service provider may have rules prohibiting you from doing this. And you really don't want just anyone looking at the website from your own personal computer. Fortunately, web hosting is relatively inexpensive, and there are many, many companies offering it. If you're building a simple website with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, any web host will support you. Indeed. The simplest option may be through GitHub. Using their free GitHub Pages Service at You may post your website code on Github, and view the site through their service. However, there are many other types of web hosting available. Shared…
