From the course: Introduction to Fortran

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The future of Fortran

The future of Fortran - FORTRAN Tutorial

From the course: Introduction to Fortran

The future of Fortran

- [Instructor] Fortran is the oldest, high level programming language. It was originally developed at IBM in 1957. So you may wonder if learning and using something so old is worth it. While the original language was developed well over half a century ago, the language is still under active development and includes many modern features. For example, the 1995 and 2003 additions of the standard, added features supporting object oriented programming. The paradigm now supported by nearly all modern programming languages. The 2008 and 2018 additions of the standard, added features of the language supporting parallel programming. And the committee is actively developing features for generic programming, which are to be included in the addition of the standard after next, expected to be released around 2028. Additionally, an open source community has been building it up in recent years, actively developing tools and…
