From the course: Introduction to Fortran

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Solution: A completed To Do application

Solution: A completed To Do application - FORTRAN Tutorial

From the course: Introduction to Fortran

Solution: A completed To Do application

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] The key to solving this challenge is as much about being able to break the problem down into easier-to-solve pieces as it is about being able to use the features of the programming language. To start with I'll give you a high level outline of how I broke this problem down. You should then try solving each piece on your own first before continuing on to see how I solved it. The order in which I'll address the pieces of this program is determine the name of the file to save the tasks in, read a task list from that file, save a task list to that file, and interact with the user. So let's get started with the exercise. The first thing I'll do is create a file to put our program in. I'm going to call it todo.F90. First thing we have to do is we need a program I'll name it todo. And let's go ahead and compile, and make sure our program runs. Okay, yeah, we haven't made a mistake yet. That's a…
