From the course: Introduction to Fortran

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Expression demonstration

Expression demonstration - FORTRAN Tutorial

From the course: Introduction to Fortran

Expression demonstration

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to go through an in-depth explanation and demonstration of the mechanics of how an expression gets evaluated. Here's the program we're going to step through evaluating. You can see that the expression here is a bit complicated and there are some places that implicit type conversions will occur. Let's step through the details of how this gets evaluated by going over to the whiteboard and doing it by hand. I've copied the relevant portions of the program over to the whiteboard and gone ahead and reserved space for the variables that we have declared here. I haven't reserved space for the integer parameter value because it won't change. So we don't really need a place to go look that up. We could probably already go ahead and replace it in our program, if need be. But for now, let's just start stepping through the program. So first, we have our y equals five statement. So that's…
