From the course: Introduction to Fortran

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Detailed variable behavior demonstration

Detailed variable behavior demonstration - FORTRAN Tutorial

From the course: Introduction to Fortran

Detailed variable behavior demonstration

- [Instructor] In the previous lesson, we saw this simple program that made use of some variables. In this lesson, we're going to go step by step on a whiteboard through this program to see some of the details of how it is executed by the computer. In the previous lesson, we saw a simple program that made use of some variables. In this lesson, we'll go step by step through that program to see some of the details of how it is executed by the computer. Each variable declaration, which I've written here in a slightly shorter form, you can put multiple variables on a single line if they're all of the same type, just separated by commas. Each variable declaration reserves us a named space to store a value of a specific type. So I'm going to use the whiteboard here to do exactly that. I'm going to draw a box as a place to store a variable. I'm going to give it its name. And I'm going to indicate what its type is. What…
