From the course: Introduction to Fortran

Chapter intro: Fixing mistakes - FORTRAN Tutorial

From the course: Introduction to Fortran

Chapter intro: Fixing mistakes

- [Instructor] In this chapter, we're going to talk about common compiler errors. When first starting out and even long into your career, you will frequently make some common mistakes and typos. This chapter will help to familiarize you with some of the more common mistakes and the error messages they are likely to produce. Understanding how to interpret these error messages is important to being able to more easily find and correct the mistakes in your code. The list of mistakes and error messages I will cover in this chapter won't and couldn't be exhaustive, but I will cover some of the most common ones. I've broken down the common mistakes into four basic categories. Typos in keywords, typos in user-defined names, type mismatches, and syntax errors. So those are what we'll cover in each lesson in this chapter. This will give you a feel for the format of the error messages, some practice interpreting them, and some initial guidance on where to start looking for the errors in your code when you see them. You will likely see some code in this chapter, as I show some of the examples that you don't understand. Don't worry about trying to understand that code just yet. For now, we're just trying to look at some example error messages. One general tip that I can give up front is that if you encounter an error message you don't understand, copying and pasting it into a search engine can quite often lead you to helpful suggestions, so don't hesitate to try that. Another option is asking questions over at the discourse, link shown. Enough talk about compiler errors, let's go take a look at some.
