From the course: Introduction to Fortran

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Challenge: Create a To Do list application

Challenge: Create a To Do list application - FORTRAN Tutorial

From the course: Introduction to Fortran

Challenge: Create a To Do list application

(upbeat music playing) - [Instructor] One of the first real programs that most people write when learning a programming language is a to-do application. The goal of the program is to help a user manage a to-do list. The requirements for the to-do program you must write are as follows, it should save a user's tasks to a file, it should read a user's tasks from that file on program startup, and it should interact with the user to add or remove tasks. I'll give a brief demonstration of how the program that I've written behaves and your program should behave in the same way. I'm not going to show you the source code for the solution just yet, but I'll show you how the program should behave. (keyboard clicking) We can compile the program and when we run it it says that I have no tasks, what would I like to do. Well, since I have no tasks, what would happen if I tried to ask it to delete those tasks? Well, it says I…
