From the course: Introduction to File Formats for 3D and Visualization

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USD format

USD format

- [Narrator] Now there's one more format that I want to talk about, and this is a format that's coming up. It should be very popular as we move forward. And it's called the USD format. Now that stands for universal scene description. It was created by Pixar as the standard way to store their scenes that they use for their movies. As such, it's very robust, it'll support geometry, materials, animation, and lots, lots more. Now the most important thing is that USD allows for collaboration. So artists can work on the same scene, and assets can be located in the USD file, but they also can be referenced from a master file. Which makes it really great for multiple people working on the same project. Now, if you want to play with USD, a good place to start is Pixar themselves. Under, USD downloads. They have a number of downloads that you can just get for yourself so you can play with it. So I downloaded…
