From the course: Introduction to File Formats for 3D and Visualization

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HDRI formats

HDRI formats

- [Instructor] Now let's move on to HDRI image formats. Now, HDRI stands for High Dynamic Range Image. Now, dynamic range is the most important part of this type of image. Now, an HDRI image has a very high bit depth, 32 bits per channel, maybe more. And the reason for that is a greater range of luminosity. So you want a bigger range from dark to light. And typically, we need this because we use it to simulate the environmental lighting in a scene. Now, sometimes people do use this for photography, particularly in things such as landscape photography, but for our purposes, we're mostly going to be using this for environmental lighting. Now, HDRI images are created typically by taking multiple images of the same scene at different exposures on the camera. So here you can see we've got a low exposure for a darker scene, middle, and high exposure. And so those are all combined to create an image that has a wider range of…
