From the course: Interactive Animations with CSS and JavaScript

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Set up your environment

Set up your environment

- [Instructor] Now, it's time to start coding. Let's get our environment setup so we can put together a good cycle for testing our changes and things. Here are the initial exercise files for this video. I've put in a little bit of markup so we have something to see in the web browser and if you start with these files, you'll be good to go. Now, I'm gonna go over to my terminal window and if you're running on a Mac or Linux, you're good to go. We have a built-in web server that comes with Python. Python simple HTTP server class can be used. This is not a very intensive application and there's no server side commodity to it at all, anything that will serve up HTML files is fine. If you installed Python on Windows, you can use this as well. First, let's make sure we're in the right place and I've got my exercise files, chapter one. Now, let's take a quick look. Everything looks good, so I'm gonna run Python, dash M for the class, SimpleHTTPServer. Now, it says it's serving on zero, zero,…
