From the course: Interactive Animations with CSS and JavaScript

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Set timing for transitions

Set timing for transitions

- [Instructor] So we have our showLearning function implemented so we can display a random image and the correct tag, whether it's yes or no, depending on the circle being present or not, so let's go ahead and implement the actual montage code that's going to call showLearning over and over again and, once again, I want it to happen on an accelerating basis, I want the time out between each of these slides to get shorter and shorter so that it shows the computer learning something very quickly, is the goal to display. So let's go back to our code, and we're going to now, in runLearningSequence, instead of calling showLearning directly, we're gonna call a different function, the new function is called startLearning. So we're gonna startLearning, and we're gonna pass in an initial timeout, and we're gonna do it in milliseconds, so we're gonna say 1500 milliseconds. And now let's go up here and we'll create our new function with learningDelay. So, what startLearning does is it calls…
