From the course: Interactive Animations with CSS and JavaScript

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Scene elements

Scene elements

- [Instructor] This is the first line in the presentation. Let's look at it in context so we can figure out how we need to structure our application. When a page is loaded in the browser, we need a container that will occupy all the visible parts of the window. Our presentation screen should be centered horizontally and vertically within our container, and it's just scaled appropriately no matter what the aspect ratio of the browser. The presentation will consist of a set of slide elements that will be displayed sequentially. We'll develop the necessary transition effects to make the presentation flow smoothly from one point to the next. Each slide contains the text and image assets we want to display. Since one of our goals is to make our presentation responsive, we need to consider how our images are constructed. One basic decision that needs to be made up front is whether to use raster or vector images. Since our images are very simple and we want them to look good through a large…
