From the course: Human Resources: Leadership and Strategic Impact

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Pivotal innovation

Pivotal innovation

- Is innovation one of your strategic goals? It is in most strategies. But the word innovation is so vague that few employees really know how to have their greatest impact on innovation. Some employees might think that innovation means sharing lots of wild suggestions for new products. Others might think that innovation means carefully studying consumer preferences to modify existing products. These are both valuable, but they are not equally valuable for every strategy. A kitchen appliance maker may find very little value in generating wild ideas, like zero-gravity refrigerators, but find great value in generating more ideas about selling the appliance in new low-infrastructure regions or embedding artificial intelligence to save energy. In contrast, an auto maker might find great value in ideas for zero-gravity cars. Pivotal innovation varies with strategy. And so do the pivotal talent and organization elements that affect innovation. To execute on strategic goals like innovation…
