From the course: Human Resources: Leadership and Strategic Impact

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Pivotal HR deliverables

Pivotal HR deliverables

- How is the HR strategy in your organization described? Often, it is only a long list of HR programs, like performance-based rewards, on-demand training, rigorous selection and leadership development. Typically, HR's performance is measured only by how such programs work. If we trained employees, did they learn? If we give recruits a knowledge test, are new hires more knowledgeable? If we give employees a bonus, do they try harder. A better HR strategy would target HR programs where they have the greatest impact. The vital question is, where does better training, better recruitment, and bigger bonuses have the biggest impact? This question focuses on what's pivotal. That's the key to creating more strategic and pivotal HR programs and practices. Do you remember the story about the Disney sweepers who create pivotal impact when they stop sweeping and help park guests find shady spots to view the parade? The pivotal HR programs will be the ones that improve sweepers helping guests…
