From the course: HTML Essential Training

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The HTML page

The HTML page

- We've been talking about the many different HTML elements, attributes and roles, many different tools for marking up content on a website or web app. That's a big part of the job of HTML. To convey what all this stuff is. But that's not the only job of HTML. HTML files are key building block of the web. Anytime anyone wants to go to a website, they start by opening up some kind of web browser or web view and going to a URL. Maybe they type the URL into the address bar, maybe they started with a search or clicked on a link, maybe they opened and app which triggered an implicit action of opening a certain URL. However it happens, there is a URL involved. A web server response to the request by sending back the specific HTML file that lives at that address. Now, back in the 90s, when the web was new, everything that was needed to display a web page was put inside one HTML file. Well, plus any images. Besides the images…
