From the course: HTML Essential Training

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Figure and figcaption

Figure and figcaption - HTML Tutorial

From the course: HTML Essential Training

Figure and figcaption

- Now that we've dug fairly deep into how to put an image on a web page, let's look at how to pair a caption for that image with the image itself. There are two more elements related to images, or really rather, related to figures. Here's a simple example. We'll start with the image of our dog and a caption for this image. Maggie the dog enjoys resting in a field after a long day of chasing squirrels. Now let's wrap this text in the figcaption element. That designates it is a caption. And we'll wrap the image and the caption together in a figure element. This provides the browser with more semantic information about this content. More context than if we'd only use a paragraph element or generic divs. Search engines in AI will now know that these two pieces of content have a relationship to each other. We could also use figure for things besides images, like an interactive graphic. We'll put it where the image…
