From the course: HTML Essential Training

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Embedding other media through iframes

Embedding other media through iframes - HTML Tutorial

From the course: HTML Essential Training

Embedding other media through iframes

- Earlier, we took a look at the video element, and I mentioned that it's possible you're not going to to do video that way. It's likely that you'll use a video hosting service, and embed the video player that they provide onto your webpage. Embedding is taking content from one site and placing it into the middle of a page on another site. There's all kinds of content that you might want to embed onto a page. You can embed a map from Google or Mapbox. You can embed a code demo from CodePen or Glitch. You can embed a slide deck from Speaker Deck or Notist. It's common to embed something complex from a service that takes care of all the hard parts for you. You don't have to figure out how to build a mapping service, or a slide deck system, or a code demo platform, or an adaptive bitrate server. You go to someone else's toolkit and do all of that, and then embed the results onto your website. So what HTML do we need to…
