From the course: HTML Essential Training

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ARIA roles

ARIA roles

- ARIA Roles are another kind of attribute that can be added to any HTML element to give it more meaning and to make sure the browser understands what something is. Ideally, we won't need an ARIA Role. If we use a proper HTML element we'll communicate the right message about the semantics of the content. But sometimes things are not ideal. And we must make compromises in our Markup. It's especially bad if these compromises make a site hard or impossible for a person with a disability to use it. In fact, in many places it's illegal to make a website inaccessible to people with disabilities. Yeah, HTML can be a human rights issue. This is where ARIA Roles come in. The layer of information conveyed by ARIA tells screen readers, braille displays, magnifiers and other assistive technology things they need to know to make a site fully accessible. ARIA was invented right around the time more and more of the web started to replace…
