From the course: Growing Your Small Business with LinkedIn

Let your network know you’re hiring - LinkedIn Tutorial

From the course: Growing Your Small Business with LinkedIn

Let your network know you’re hiring

- [Narrator] Once you have a job posted, you need to let your network know that you're hiring. Typically, we want to spread the word so that we get a number of good candidates. As most small business owners will tell you, word of mouth is often the best method. Now LinkedIn has a large network which can help make this happen. You can also get your coworkers involved to cast an even wider net. And finally, you can use hiring tags and frames to increase visibility of your jobs. As we said, word of mouth is a tried and true method of getting referrals. You can do this in a number of ways. You can make a post on your company page with the hiring tag. You can ask coworkers to share opportunities with their networks. You can also share to groups. And finally, you can also post to your company's jobs page. When you create a job, you can add a hiring frame to your profile picture. Now this frame lets people know that you have opportunities available. It's added to your profile photo, and it increases the visibility that you're hiring. Now if you have a company page, coworkers can also add the hiring frame to their profiles. And finally, get in the habit of using the hiring tag. When you create a job post, the hiring tag will automatically be generated. You can then share it with your network and let them know that you're hiring.
