From the course: Growing Your Small Business with LinkedIn

Do more with LinkedIn Pages - LinkedIn Tutorial

From the course: Growing Your Small Business with LinkedIn

Do more with LinkedIn Pages

- [Instructor] Before we finish talking about Pages, there's a few more actionable items you can do. You can even add a time range to do all of these if you're a measured goals kind of person, and it's perfectly okay if you're not. On a daily basis, or at least consistently, you'll want to check your Pages Activity tab. I'm in my page right now, and all the way at the top, I can see these four options, All Pages, Content, Analytics, and here's Activity as the last one. This is going to show you any requests, comments, mentions, posts, things like that, that happened about your page. And I can see here that somebody mentioned my company in an update. I can click on it, and go right to it. For an easy win, and a quick content post, you'll want to reshare these app mentions, and thank them. It's an easy win because you have refreshed content that all of your followers are going to see. Plus, you have a thanked person who feels valued. And the final win is that this is not a big time requirement for you. This is an easy win for everyone involved. With this post I'll click Share. And now, I can thank Jane and add my own comment. I'll click Post. And it's going to be on my page. Let's go back to the page. I'll close out of this. All the way down, on the right-hand side, you can see the Pages hashtags. At least once a month, switch up these tags to keep them fresh and to gain new audiences with these new tags. For example, maybe change the hashtags to a location, or a product-based tag, or a service-based tag, or something that you value. This will gain you new followers, and you can also explore these hashtags to make new connections. As George mentioned, you want to create your own posts. And it's up to you how often you want to do this, but you'll want to mention other brands, companies, local shop owners, and influencers. This is a great time to mention why you admire them, or you want to work with them. Now it is important that you don't sound spammy, or like you're making an advertisement. You want to make them proud to reshare your post to their networks. I'm going to create a post right now. I'll put a photo in it, so it stands out a little bit more and looks nice and bright and cheerful on everybody's newsfeeds. Here's my post. And now Kinetico will see that on their activity tab. I'm not going to share this on my personal profile right now, but that was a quick win. I've made an update, and I'm showing my followers that I'm relevant and I'm here and I'm active. And finally, I like to suggest that once a quarter, go back to the Invite Connections to Follow section on the right-hand side, and use that invite again, to invite new connections to your page. Maybe people that you missed the first time around, from a different location, or a different industry that you want to have them see your updates. And as always, I mentioned this before, but it's worth mentioning again, there is a LinkedIn Pages Best Practices Guide. It's available at this URL. And if you scroll down, it can help you complete your page, engage with your audience, grow your audience, and it will show you more things that you can do with your pages. So it's worth checking out. But in the meantime, that's your timeline. Those are your tasks. Check the Activity tab, switch up those tags, and create posts frequently.
