From the course: Git Essential Training

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Working with folders

Working with folders

- [Instructor] So we've only been working with files so far. What about folders? We can use folders in Git and it will keep track of them. So let's create some. So I'll create firstfolder and secondfolder. And we're going to see how do folders work. So I'm going to add both these files to firstfolder. So I'll move them. If I now check with git status, at this point, it says it will delete two files and it will create a new folder. Let's add everything that we have changed. And if I check the status again, you see, it will now say it's been renamed. So it sees that the folder is there and that files have been added to that folder. If I commit this, press enter and I'll push it. If we look now at our repository, we see that folder and we can click through it and find our files. But did you notice that we added two folders and I only see one of them here. In our Explorer window, we still have two folders. And this is an…
