From the course: Git Essential Training

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View commit history

View commit history

- [Instructor] So we talked about Git being a program that helps us to keep track of the history of our files and what has happened, but how can we see that history and see what has been going on? We can use git log for this. So in the command line, if we type git log, it shows us the history of what happened in this repository. As you see, it shows a commit and then what we call a checksum, which is sort of the ID for that specific commit. After that, it shows an author, the date, and then the commit message, which is the reason why it's important that that is descriptive. So here it shows a fuse of the commits I have done. I can press space if I want to show more of them. If you're not used to this, by the way, this information is scrollable, but that means that it can be a bit difficult to get out of it if you're not used to it. You get out of this fugue by pressing Q, and now we can add new commands. So this way, we…
