From the course: Git Essential Training

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The .git folder

The .git folder

- [Instructor] So when we look at Visual Studio Code this still looks just like an ordinary folder. There's nothing here saying that this is a Git repository. But if we look in the Finder or the File Explorer, and we go to that folder, we see a new folder has been added: .git. (computer mouse clicks) In this folder are a bunch of different files and it stores everything that makes your local folder now a GitHub repository. So it stores all history and metadata. We can open it up here, but let's open it in Visual Studio Code. I'll click the right mouse button, Show more options, and use Open with Code. Here we can see what's going on in the files. The most important file for you to be aware of is the config file. This is where you can store configuration specific for this repository. And we can also get information here. We can look through all the other files. What they do is store information about the remote…
