From the course: Git Essential Training

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Optional: Install Visual Studio Code

Optional: Install Visual Studio Code

From the course: Git Essential Training

Optional: Install Visual Studio Code

- [Instructor] In this video we're going to install Visual Studio Code. You don't need Visual Studio Code when you work with Git, but it can be a very helpful tool, especially with visualizing what happens. So if you are new to Git, I do recommend to install Visual Studio Code. You can do so for free. To get the installer, you go to In the page, it will select the OS that you're working on. So it will say Download for Windows, or in your case, maybe macOS, or Linux. If you want to see all the options, you can press the Download button at the right top. You get all the different versions that are available, so you can choose what works for you. By default, for Windows, for example, it will use a User Installer, but I am logged in as a local admin and then the System Installer is better for me. So I'll click over here to get the System Installer for my device. On the top right, we see the download…
