From the course: Git Essential Training

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Open source

Open source

- [Instructor] Git is very helpful for the process of open-source software. Open source means that all the code behind the software is publicly available and you are able to do stuff with it. So you can download it, you can change it for your own use, but what you often also see with open source is that the community works on it. So when someone who uses the code find that they might need a different feature or they see a bug, they can report it, but they can also change it themselves if they have those skills, of course. And that means that open-source software often has some quick development, a lot of features going on. So we already talked about how Git can help you collaborate. So that really helps with open-source software. Let's look at our scenario that we saw before where we have the Git provider where our code is stored and we are working on it from two separate computers. Now this works well, but what if we make…
