From the course: Git Essential Training

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Git to collaborate

Git to collaborate

- [Instructor] So how can you use Git to actually collaborate on code? So to work on code together? So let us set it up like this. On the left, we have our own computer. And we are working on the file, and we have added that file to the Git provider, so that is available there. On the right is our coworker, our friend, who also wants to work on this file. So what they can do is use Git and get their own copy of the file. So they can make changes to that file and create a new version. When they're done, they can push this back to the Git provider. And at this stage, we can create a pull, or we can pull the code from the Git provider, and now we have access to that new version of the file. So we can both work on the file and get the newest versions and see what other people have changed. Now of course what could happen, is that we both start working on the file at the same time. And the great thing about Git is that…
