From the course: Git Essential Training

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Git commit messages

Git commit messages

- Let's consider the message you give when you create a commit. We've created a lot of commits now. We've seen they are very useful to keep track of the history, but that commit message is a very important part of it as it shows what actually happened when that commit was made. Now there are some best practices with commit messages to help you get going. A good commit message should describe exactly what changes were applied. It should be present tense. This can feel a bit weird as you're used to saying "I fixed something," but it should say, "fixes something," instead of that. So that it's clear that whatever is described is what this specific commit is doing. The first line of the commit message should be a max of 50 characters. If that is not enough to do a good description of what actually happened, you can add an extra description. Let's see what that looks like. Now in my repository, I've been making very silly…
