From the course: Git Essential Training

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Distributed version control

Distributed version control

- [Instructor] Git is what we call distributed version control. In this video, we try to get an understanding of what that means. To do that, let's first look at centralized version control. This is a version control that you might know from other syncing tools like OneDrive or Dropbox. All the information that we have is on the server, and we can sync our local files with the server but we always use the latest version. So if I change a file on my computer, it will also be changed on the server, and after that, also on the computer of other people who are working with that file. The old version is stored on the server, but not on my local computer and not on the other computers. So that means if something happens to the server, we will only be able to work with the latest file, but we will lose the history. Now in distributed version control, we still have a remote server, the Git Provider. But every client…
