From the course: Git Essential Training

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Configure Git

Configure Git

- [Instructor] So before we can actually start using Git, we need to do some configuration. All configuration in Git is done through a file called Gitconfig. This is always present on every computer that uses Git. There are actually a few different Gitconfig files. The most important one are the two scopes that are available. You have the configuration that applies to the whole computer. We call this configuration a global configuration and you can find it on the home folder in the dot gitconfig file or in the user folder of the user that you're using. You can also set local configuration and this can be a configuration for a specific repository. You can find that in every repository in the dot Git folder. There's a file called config and you can set specific settings for this repository. These will override the global settings. You can set these settings within text editor or code editor or just in the terminal. Some…
